Live in His Grace

Sharon Sweatt is a great woman of faith and long-time friend. She is the founder of the Queen Esther Ministry (First Baptist Church of Glenarden), a discipleship ministry helping young women apply Christian principles to real-life situations, of which I am a graduate. There’s nothing more ‘real-life’ than the passing of a loved one. Today, Sharon candidly shares how God’s grace sees you through your darkest times.

guest post by Sharon Sweatt

2017! The New Year started off well. I was in sync with it all, mind, body, and soul. I was all set to execute my plan for 2017. Ok God, let’s go!

Fitness goals, check.
Nutrition goals, check.
Spiritual growth goals, check.
Financial goals, check.
Mother transitioning to heaven—wait God! What?! Huh?!There's nothing like a mother's love. And when she's gone, who and what do you turn to?

I reside in a state 1500 miles away from my mother. When I learned she was hospitalized, I immediately went to her with the mind-set to spend a few days, make sure she was okay, and then head back home.

As it was, after spending ten, 10-12 hour days at her bedside, God called her home.

When we relocated eleven years ago, that was my concern and prayer, “Lord please don’t let her die alone.” Even in this unimaginably difficult time, God answered my prayer. I was with her as she peacefully transitioned. This amazing woman who gave me life was gone.

The caring parent she was, she had all her affairs in order (note to self—get your affairs in order) which made the process virtually seamless for my sister and me. Even gone, she still blessed and cared for us.

Moms are wonderful that way, they never stop being moms!

It’s been almost 3 weeks since her passing. To be transparent, I have had moments of weeping, rejoicing, warding off a spirit of depression, comforting others, consoling her friends, and praying God’s grace to get me through cleaning out her home of over 30 years. In the natural, I would be overwhelmed, fearful and want to stay in bed with the covers over my head—BUT GOD!

He has allowed me to experience a deeper depth of His grace I never knew existed. On every side—GRACE, through every test—GRACE, in my heartbreak—GRACE, in my mourning—GRACE! No matter what your situation, pain, test, or trial, when you’re adopted into the family of God, He gives you amazing grace!

Trust Him to see you through.

Realize that you don’t have to be strong—run to His loving arms. He is your refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Rest in the fact that nothing can separate you from His love, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Put on the garment of praise. Allow yourself to rest in knowing He cares for you more than your finite mind can comprehend. Even in your darkest hour, He still gives amazing grace.

Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning! Your morning is now! Rejoice and live in His grace!

Psalm 46:1
Romans 8:38-39
Isaiah 61:3
Psalm 30:5b


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