Some broken hearts take longer to heal than others. And that’s okay. Ground yourself in God’s love. Jesus has all the time in the world. Let’s pray…

God's relentless love heals our souls.

Lord Jesus, You know this life is tough. We start our days with the best of intentions but in a world full of hurting people we get hurt. Most times our hearts bounce back but sometimes it takes a while.

And we close that part off, thinking we’re protecting ourselves when we’ve only locked the pain inside us. Little by little we build walls we’re trapped behind.

But God.

Your love is relentless. You keep knocking. You keep encircling us with your love till the walls fall and we open our hearts. Your love never fails and never gives up, no matter how tightly shut we are.

We are your Father’s children and it hurts You to see us hurting because You love us and know the blessings DADDY God has for us.

Lord root us and ground us in your love. Love on us till our roots reach out, grab hold and drink deep. Till we’re filled with the fullness of God instead of sorrow.

Thank You for pursuing us with love, along with goodness and mercy, all the days of our lives.

We are a blessed people and it’s in your name we pray—Amen.

Prayer inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:8.

Paperback book titled Got A Minute to Pray. It's a collection of powerful prayers for present-day problems. Perfect for those who find praying to God awkward.

“I have no words right now.”

We’ve all been there. Life hands you a problem you can’t even put into words, much less solve. And whether you’re a longtime believer who’s discouraged, you’re new to faith in Christ or you’re wondering what this “Jesus stuff” is all about, talking with God about what you’re facing feels so far out of reach.

What if there were a way to making talking to God easier?

You may not know what to say or you may not want to pray. But if you’re overwhelmed, speechless, and confused about what to do next, Jesus wants to help you.

Got A Minute to Pray is a collection of 60 Bible-based prayers for today’s challenges like worry, anxiety, and depression.

These prayers are both powerful and practical. They connect your needs with God’s heart by echoing what God has already promised you. Because, unlike people, God always stands behind His word.

These guided prayers reduce anxiety and restore the peace you long for.

Christian prayer is not about religion. It’s a relationship with the living God. And when you have no words for what you’re facing, Jesus has plenty. So, you got a minute to pray?

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