Lord, You are good and your mercy endures forever. One day in your house is better than a thousand elsewhere.

You saw us in our foolishness, burdened down with the weight of sin and shame.

And though we deserved punishment, to be cut off from You forever, You came and shed your blood, Jesus, to cover all our sin and forgive our iniquity.

You came, so we may have life and have it more abundantly while seen as right in the Father’s eyes—by faith.

So, Jesus, why aren’t You enough for us?

Why do we still satisfy our selfish desires at others’ expense, as if You don’t faithfully provide?
Why do we look to make ourselves known instead of making You known?
Why do we put our trust in the fallen people and things of this world despite your great love and faithfulness?

How many times will we need to be disappointed?
And how many times will we need to suffer the consequences of idolatry before we know that You are the Lord?

So, we turn away from the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.

And we turn to You, the only true and living God, the Great I Am, full of grace and truth. We acknowledge our faith begins and ends with You, our lives hidden in You.

We commit ourselves to the truth of who You are and all we are in You, to guard against the enemy’s temptations.

There is no one greater than You. And true to your name and the covenant signed in your blood, You will withhold no good thing from those who walk uprightly.

And because of this, it’s in your perfect and glorious name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Inspired by Ezekiel 16:62

Paperback book titled Got A Minute to Pray. It's a collection of powerful prayers for present-day problems. Perfect for those who find praying to God awkward.

“I have no words right now.”

We’ve all been there. Life hands you a problem you can’t even put into words, much less solve. And whether you’re a longtime believer who’s discouraged, you’re new to faith in Christ or you’re wondering what this “Jesus stuff” is all about, talking with God about what you’re facing feels so far out of reach.

What if there were a way to making talking to God easier?

You may not know what to say or you may not want to pray. But if you’re overwhelmed, speechless, and confused about what to do next, Jesus wants to help you.

Got A Minute to Pray is a collection of 60 Bible-based prayers for today’s challenges like worry, anxiety, and depression.

These prayers are both powerful and practical. They connect your needs with God’s heart by echoing what God has already promised you. Because, unlike people, God always stands behind His word.

These guided prayers reduce anxiety and restore the peace you long for.

Christian prayer is not about religion. It’s a relationship with the living God. And when you have no words for what you’re facing, Jesus has plenty. So, you got a minute to pray?

**This page contains Amazon Affiliate links. I make a commission through purchases made using those links at no additional cost to you.


Father, You call us to live by the spirit of faith because it’s by faith You bring your plans to pass in our lives.

But there is another spirit at work—the spirit of fear.

Not the kind of situational fears common to us all, like checking your rear-view mirror when backing out of a parking space, but the kind of consistent fear that torments day and night, consuming our thoughts.

That spirit of fear is the strategy through which the enemy tries to enforce his plans for our lives.

We remember Job, a righteous man in your sight. You bragged about how he honored You in his worship and shunned evil.

And yet Job said the terror he dreaded had come to pass. Because he focused on that fear, Satan dared request he could attack Job in that area.

And while You ultimately preserved Job, even blessing him with double for his trouble, He still endured great suffering.

In this world we will have trouble, but Father, keep us from opening the door to trouble by entertaining a spirit of fear.

We thank You for the antidote.

We’re grateful we have something else to meditate on instead of the diet of fear the enemy serves us.

We savor your love instead—perfect and unfailing—because it’s for the sense we are unloved that we‘re gripped by fear and invite the enemy to wreak havoc in our lives.

And since You are love, we fix our focus on You to experience perfect love drive out fear.  

And we receive the grace to do so, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Inspired by Job 3:25.

Paperback book titled Got A Minute to Pray. It's a collection of powerful prayers for present-day problems. Perfect for those who find praying to God awkward.

“I have no words right now.”

We’ve all been there. Life hands you a problem you can’t even put into words, much less solve. And whether you’re a longtime believer who’s discouraged, you’re new to faith in Christ or you’re wondering what this “Jesus stuff” is all about, talking with God about what you’re facing feels so far out of reach.

What if there were a way to making talking to God easier?

You may not know what to say or you may not want to pray. But if you’re overwhelmed, speechless, and confused about what to do next, Jesus wants to help you.

Got A Minute to Pray is a collection of 60 Bible-based prayers for today’s challenges like worry, anxiety, and depression.

These prayers are both powerful and practical. They connect your needs with God’s heart by echoing what God has already promised you. Because, unlike people, God always stands behind His word.

These guided prayers reduce anxiety and restore the peace you long for.

Christian prayer is not about religion. It’s a relationship with the living God. And when you have no words for what you’re facing, Jesus has plenty. So, you got a minute to pray?

**This page contains Amazon Affiliate links. I make a commission through purchases made using those links at no additional cost to you.


Father, we thank You for the gift of no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. And because Jesus took our guilt and the punishment our sin deserved—You will never punish us.

But You will correct us.

You do it because a loving father is careful to discipline his children.

Your discipline proves our legitimacy as children released from the bondage to fear, now calling you ABBA or DADDY by your Holy Spirit.

But we don’t enjoy correction, even justifying our wrongs to avoid it.

We repent of our foolishness.

And we change our minds to view your correction like our earthly fathers’ correction. 

We didn’t like theirs’ either—but when we look back; we respect our fathers. They disciplined us as they thought best to keep us from self-destruction.

And for those of us who didn’t have a father growing up, your correction feels like more rejection.

But Father, You do all things well, pursuing us with love, and disciplining us so we reflect You. 

To resemble our DADDY.

And because of it, we’re growing in integrity, enjoying the peace it brings.

So Holy Spirit, help us endure ABBA’s rebuke. Remind us it’s not out of anger. His correction is not to destroy, but to develop children with His character.

And Father, guide us in the way of wisdom. Lead us along straight paths because your correction is the way to life.

You are a good and faithful Father. And we honor You today and always. It’s in the name of Jesus, the Firstborn of many, we pray. Amen.

Inspired by Hebrews 12:10

Paperback book titled Got A Minute to Pray. It's a collection of powerful prayers for present-day problems. Perfect for those who find praying to God awkward.

“I have no words right now.”

We’ve all been there. Life hands you a problem you can’t even put into words, much less solve. And whether you’re a longtime believer who’s discouraged, you’re new to faith in Christ or you’re wondering what this “Jesus stuff” is all about, talking with God about what you’re facing feels so far out of reach.

What if there were a way to making talking to God easier?

You may not know what to say or you may not want to pray. But if you’re overwhelmed, speechless, and confused about what to do next, Jesus wants to help you.

Got A Minute to Pray is a collection of 60 Bible-based prayers for today’s challenges like worry, anxiety, and depression.

These prayers are both powerful and practical. They connect your needs with God’s heart by echoing what God has already promised you. Because, unlike people, God always stands behind His word.

These guided prayers reduce anxiety and restore the peace you long for.

Christian prayer is not about religion. It’s a relationship with the living God. And when you have no words for what you’re facing, Jesus has plenty. So, you got a minute to pray?

**This page contains Amazon Affiliate links. I make a commission through purchases made using those links at no additional cost to you.