Who Loves Ya Baby!

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.
1 John 4:18

There’s a lot of new going on with my writing ministry. Ways I’m broadening my scope and sharing on a larger scale the message Jesus wants me to highlight: the only way to live the abundant life Jesus came to give us is, the same way we receive it, by grace through faith. To that end, there’s a new look to the site, a Vine Life Faith Facebook page, redesigned headers for the website and online boutique, and a new feature coming soon to blog.


It’s exciting, but “new” can be scary stuff. Many speak of fear, especially in Christian circles, as external demonic warfare. While that’s real, what trips me up often are the fears within. In this case, the fear of messing it up: misunderstanding the Holy Spirit and getting into something I’ll have to change, or abandon altogether. By default, I end up doing nothing and that’s just how the devil likes it.

If our fallen consciences don’t cause self-sabotage, His most effective strategy is “helping” us self-destruct. He plants seeds in our thinking that encourage us to ruin things ourselves before we recognize where it all came from. Cowards are sneaky that way.

The beauty of it is, no matter how fear pops up, the answer is the same. God’s perfect love casts out ALL fear. When I quit hemming and hawing about creating the FB page, its design and layout, etc. and just remembered who loves me…

My DADDY loves me so much He sent His Son; Jesus loves me so much He came; and the Holy Spirit loves me so much He never tires of reminding me of any of it!

When I remembered THAT; Who holds my hand, walks with me, and will never again condemn me, I clicked the button. Did I do it with a lump in my throat. Absolutely! And were every one of those fears silenced right afterwards? Absolutely! They were cast out, only sweet, perfect love remained.

If Jesus is calling you to do something and you’ve gotten over the hump of saying yes, but you’re stuck on getting it “just” right, let me assure you. You’re joining Jesus on His project and He is the project manager. Jesus never intended for you to do it without Him, so it will work out. Swallow hard, take a deep breath, and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit. If you make a misstep, Jesus will redirect you. He is the Savior, after all!

Have you checked out Vine Life Faith’s Facebook page?


  1. I was actually trying to find you on facebook, but forgot thw whole name of your blog. I’m heading there now. Congrats on being obedient. Crazy to say that, but it’s a first step.

    Also are you “free” , I’d love for you to guest post for me if you are.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey Vanessa,

        Thank you for being willing to write a post for me. I’ve been thinking of worship and how we can spend time in His presence (apart from a Sunday service), and I’ve been asking different people regarding this. What it looks like for people in different seasons with different obligations and responsibilities? How they make God a priority during the week?

        I would love to hear about how you’ve made worship a lifestyle, how you’ve spent time with God and seen His hand in your life ( outside of a Sunday service). How does being present with the Lord during the week look like for you.

        You could use a verse /circumstance in the Bible that speaks to you.

        Regarding word count, anything that you are comfortable with. I write short and long posts. (mostly long!)

        I’lll like to add a short bio and a photograph of yourself if you’re willing. I add a song at the end of my posts, you can either send me a favourite song (that glorifies God/ and /or explicitly mentions Jesus/ another of His names ) or I can chose one.

        ( Did I read that you’re a pediatrician? We have another thing in common then 😊 I went to medical school in India, then met and married my husband. He had finished his residency in India, then we came here and he had to do residency again, during that time I got pregnant, so we chose for me to be home then. My husband has now finished his fellowship and is an attending now, since the kids are still young, I’m staying home to raise them).


        Vanessa Samuel

        Liked by 1 person

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