Father, I thank You that by the Blood of your Son and the power of your Spirit, I can come boldly to your throne of grace.

I have no righteousness of my own, only the perfect righteousness of Christ himself. And it’s by His name, His authority, that I bless your people.

Thank You for this platform and the opportunity to pray over these You love.

Ones you’ve seen through many dangers, toils and snares, and now here they are—stepping out of a year full of turmoil and into something new.

What’s ahead, only You know.

But I praise You that You do know. You know the good plans You have for them—no matter how the plans initially appear or feel.

And I thank You for the privilege to speak a blessing over your people as they walk into the new thing You are doing.

Friend, the Lord bless you and keep you.

May He bless you to see He’s already blessed you with every blessing of heaven in Christ. In Him, you are fully stocked, lacking nothing.

The Lord keep you as you step into the new year. May He be your shade at your right hand, protecting you round the clock, shielding you from dangers of every kind.

May the glory of the Lord’s grace and favor shine on you always. And may you always walk in peace assured the Lord looks in your direction—now and forever.

It’s in Jesus’ name—the name above every name—I pray. Amen.

Prayer inspired by Numbers 6:24-26.

Paperback book titled Got A Minute to Pray. It's a collection of powerful prayers for present-day problems. Perfect for those who find praying to God awkward.

“I have no words right now.”

We’ve all been there. Life hands you a problem you can’t even put into words, much less solve. And whether you’re a longtime believer who’s discouraged, you’re new to faith in Christ or you’re wondering what this “Jesus stuff” is all about, talking with God about what you’re facing feels so far out of reach.

What if there were a way to making talking to God easier?

You may not know what to say or you may not want to pray. But if you’re overwhelmed, speechless, and confused about what to do next, Jesus wants to help you.

Got A Minute to Pray is a collection of 60 Bible-based prayers for today’s challenges like worry, anxiety, and depression.

These prayers are both powerful and practical. They connect your needs with God’s heart by echoing what God has already promised you. Because, unlike people, God always stands behind His word.

These guided prayers reduce anxiety and restore the peace you long for.

Christian prayer is not about religion. It’s a relationship with the living God. And when you have no words for what you’re facing, Jesus has plenty. So, you got a minute to pray?

**This page contains Amazon Affiliate links. I make a commission through purchases made using those links at no additional cost to you.


God of hope, fill us with all joy and peace as we trust in You, so we overflow with hope by the power of your Holy Spirit.

Because when we look back and look around, we’re disappointed and discouraged.

People we thought we knew, we didn’t. People we trusted to lead us, let us down. And the consequences of it all leave us discouraged about our future.

Because who can we take at their word?

But You call us to look away from fickle flesh—even our own—to look up at You, the God of all hope.

One who is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should turn away from His words.

Not one of them falls to the ground unfulfilled, so when You make us a promise, we can count on it.

Your word to us is greater than what we’ve endured at the hands of people.

So, we do not consider our present sufferings worthy to be compared to your glory yet to be revealed in us.

It’s in the integrity of your name, your promises, and the glory to come that we anchor our hope.

And those who hope in You will never be put to shame for it! It’s in Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Prayer inspired by Hebrews 6:19.

Paperback book titled Got A Minute to Pray. It's a collection of powerful prayers for present-day problems. Perfect for those who find praying to God awkward.

“I have no words right now.”

We’ve all been there. Life hands you a problem you can’t even put into words, much less solve. And whether you’re a longtime believer who’s discouraged, you’re new to faith in Christ or you’re wondering what this “Jesus stuff” is all about, talking with God about what you’re facing feels so far out of reach.

What if there were a way to making talking to God easier?

You may not know what to say or you may not want to pray. But if you’re overwhelmed, speechless, and confused about what to do next, Jesus wants to help you.

Got A Minute to Pray is a collection of 60 Bible-based prayers for today’s challenges like worry, anxiety, and depression.

These prayers are both powerful and practical. They connect your needs with God’s heart by echoing what God has already promised you. Because, unlike people, God always stands behind His word.

These guided prayers reduce anxiety and restore the peace you long for.

Christian prayer is not about religion. It’s a relationship with the living God. And when you have no words for what you’re facing, Jesus has plenty. So, you got a minute to pray?

**This page contains Amazon Affiliate links. I make a commission through purchases made using those links at no additional cost to you.


Lord Jesus, I bless You at all times. Your praise shall continually be in my mouth. I command my soul to bless You and forget not all your benefits.

You forgive all my sins, heal all my diseases, and redeem my life from destruction.

So, I thank You for waking me up this morning. I thank You for health and strength. I thank You for a sound mind.

And though the cares and the sorrows of this world increase—your grace and mercy are greater.

I thank You for love inexhaustible and the blessing to share it with others.

And in these wicked days, I thank You that when the enemy comes in like a flood; You raise a standard against him. Putting him to flight.

Thank You for rest for the weary and comfort for those who mourn.

In spite of inconvenience, in spite of disappointment, and in spite of grief, help me give thanks always, in all things.

Looking to You—the author and finisher of my faith, the Resurrected One, the Good Shepherd, the great I AM—for the hope, life, protection and power to prevail in this life and the one to come.

My thanksgiving is bigger than a holiday. It is the way of life You called me to. Every day is a day of thanksgiving.

Be glorified in my praise.

It’s in your matchless name, Jesus, I pray. Amen!

Prayer inspired by 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

Paperback book titled Got A Minute to Pray. It's a collection of powerful prayers for present-day problems. Perfect for those who find praying to God awkward.

“I have no words right now.”

We’ve all been there. Life hands you a problem you can’t even put into words, much less solve. And whether you’re a longtime believer who’s discouraged, you’re new to faith in Christ or you’re wondering what this “Jesus stuff” is all about, talking with God about what you’re facing feels so far out of reach.

What if there were a way to making talking to God easier?

You may not know what to say or you may not want to pray. But if you’re overwhelmed, speechless, and confused about what to do next, Jesus wants to help you.

Got A Minute to Pray is a collection of 60 Bible-based prayers for today’s challenges like worry, anxiety, and depression.

These prayers are both powerful and practical. They connect your needs with God’s heart by echoing what God has already promised you. Because, unlike people, God always stands behind His word.

These guided prayers reduce anxiety and restore the peace you long for.

Christian prayer is not about religion. It’s a relationship with the living God. And when you have no words for what you’re facing, Jesus has plenty. So, you got a minute to pray?

**This page contains Amazon Affiliate links. I make a commission through purchases made using those links at no additional cost to you.